The sixth installment of Joseph J. Sitt's multi-part series on the Syrian Sephardi community, directed by Lisa Ades, is the fascinating story of life in Syria for the Jews who remained there after the massive exodus to the United states and other countries in the early 1900s. Weaving together stories of pogroms and fires in Aleppo and Damascus in 1947 and 1948, of repression and heroic escapes as Jews in Syria, Lebanon, and Egypt fled
The sixth installment of Joseph J. Sitt's multi-part series on the Syrian Sephardi community, directed by Lisa Ades, is the fascinating story of life in Syria for the Jews who remained there after the massive exodus to the United states and other countries in the early 1900s. Weaving together stories of pogroms and fires in Aleppo and Damascus in 1947 and 1948, of repression and heroic escapes as Jews in Syria, Lebanon, and Egypt fled persecution, the mysterious Aleppo Codex (part of which was smuggled to safety in Israel), the courageous Rabbi Abraham Kalmanowitz who helped Syrian boys escape to New York, and the Jewish spy, Elie Cohen, who helped his brothers in Israel win the Six Day War before his capture and execution, this is an incredible film about one of the Jewish People’s oldest and most illustrious communities.
This event is part of The American Sephardi Federation’s ten-day NY Sephardic Jewish Film Festival, which showcases contemporary voices steeped in the history, traditions, and rich mosaic culture of Greater Sephardic communities.